The Navy's fleet and family support programs provide the highest visibility, advocacy and priority. In practical terms, this has resulted in increased services to family members, increased individual assistance and consultation, more varied educational programs, more proactive outreach, and a delivery of family support services in locations most conducive to family member engagement.


My responsibilities were to develop and maintain marketing campaigns in various channels including: emails, blogs, digital marketing, newsletters, social media, printed collateral, company website, etc. 

Coming up with ideas was no easy task. I wanted to avoid fists, targets, and traditional violence imagery.  I felt the other artists would flock towards these topics. So, what was left? I got it! Support and Inclusiveness. 

I am honored to be chosen to handle a variety of topics and was able to use my art as a voice on many a touchy subject. The art direction was open and clear: create work to reflect how you feel about the topic.