Critiques on Instructions Project

1. Very text document like
There are occasions for that but this being the
first thing they see when they open the box, should be a little more
exciting and attention grabbing.  I wanted it to be immediately
identifiable as instructions.

2. Layout should immediately convey... first step1, then step 2.  Its very important when designing
to think of what the piece is supposed to do, and how can it best covey that.  Another thing that just didn't feel right about the first one wasthe phones.  They felt as though they were just used to quickly fill a
hole rather than used as a part of the whole design.  Notice on the new one how the phones have the rich diffused shadow that gives they the feel of really being physical objects, and how the phone breaks out of the border.  Anytime I have a project to be printed in house with no bleed, I try to think of a way to make that work for me rather than against.

3.  I often see big differences in designers styles when
creating in ID or PS. 
It usually becomes flatter and more Word Doc like.
And that is because InDesign is just MS Word on steroids.  It is
essentially just a page layout and text editing tool.  I always use it
(or Illustrator) for my final export to get nice reliable vector text,
but I always design it in photoshop first.  Trying to design in InDesign
limits you and because of the differences in how they work you
subconsciously even don't do things you would do if you were in