More Flash Notes

IT inserts the widgets into the actual website: Tom only provides the html and accompanying files.**

Made test box style div with bracket - *note Tom is not adding alligators to the divs or naming them divs he's adding brackets

Give height and width attributes: border-radius: 10 pixels | mozilla-border radius: | web kit border radius:

Everything you need to make any fancy things is already on the web
You can copy and paste and edit the code within | You can do one size | 50 10 100 0 border pixels

Define webkit and linear gradient: Background - webkit -  linear gradient 
Firefox does not support linear backgrounds by themselves

Internet Explorer is horrible
CSS3 Pie Website will make background boxes for you
maybe no more webkit ** asked Tom to save the junk file
Shadowing on the text
text shadow and box shadow | text-shadow 5px (shadow) 5px (shadow) -15px (blur) - color
Box shad (can put a box shadow)
Weight width and a height  makes the text a it takes on text  attributes
 If it's just for small text do 1: First number is your horizontal offset
-- 20 vertical offset - could give something 2 different color drop shadows in the CSS

Google is your friend. Add in the CSS and rock and roll. Find the CSS on google.
alpha = transparency| rgba (set the colors and then the transparency)
Blending is very nice. Can't do any of this in email.

Set the style type and put it in the head

Can Swap the bitmap ( to add the flash style to a different symbol).