Notes on Flash

These are my notes on flash I collected through one of our sit in meetings.
Run through the whole creation of a banner ad because they are not intuitive.
Flash goes poorly with scaling > make image the size you want it > import the png - best to build in photshop and then manually one image at at time.

Use flash action script  2.0

anytime you want to use text use vector text or movie clip > option command arrow (left and right) in flash > insert a keyframe on  20 > this is our text > insert classic tween > everything in flash - button movie clip or graphic symbol

Convert to symbol..make movie clip -
text 1 > rotate text on first or last keyframe > click on the tween
fix ease in and out from the properties > custom ease

Masked text
Convert text to symbol > going to mask with an animation > made a shape tween on top make sure animation is above the layer to be revealed > right click and click "mask" >Same amount of frames

by default picture is solid object
selet it and hit command b to break it apart >take lasso and take pixels out of it >Very simple and it looks cool

script based animation
put different objects on different layers

opacity changes - 
classic tween > alpha property - 0 > Convert an image to a symbol

draw path first > after path > cut > right click > add classic motion guide> paste into layer > get anchor point> motion path
doing with keyframes is too angular > pen tool - draw path (on a separate layer) 
add classic motion guide > copy path
add classic motion guide > get center point as close to end as possible add new keyframe at the end

click tags -serving ads
as flash you need javascript to make it run screen takeovers - reaches out to grab the ad
flash needs javascript to get ads >when serving the ads needs to come from ad trafficking company 
put invisible button on there called a click tag - to track things
to do the button - go to properties - 300 x 250 . 24 fps 
alot less messy to put all animation on one keyframe
unlimited choices in flash with button selected - in action window 
add new item to script > browser network controls > get url (on release)
global functions movie control on on .......etc.. 
on release
come into the quotations get the beliefnet url
underscore blank is open up a blank new window  _blank
only flash

modify shape - add shape hint - folding shape
copy all the frames/Layer - main holder took all that animation in one keyframe by copying and pasting > Choose a new symbol > insert the button
flash up over down hit state > just want this to be hit state
invisibile draw a shape > invisible buttons are viewed as grey colors

ripples make a distortion map

Go to any flash site
psd tuts - part of a larger - envato
pixel hive design > realistic flash water effect 
picture with water
add picture
import picture
align to stage
break it apart
delete the bottom
movie clip - make it an instance ( unique)

grab the action script create a new layer 
paste in the actions window