Leads Last week of November


Notes on the leads regarding BNet styles: The capitalization we changed the leads to kind of goes against the graphic guidelines that we have been using.  We have always had the entire titles lowercase to give them a softer feel and really accentuate the nice curves and roundness of the font.  In addition it allows us much more freedom with how to arrange the words graphically.  We have however been capitalizing proper nouns when applicable and certain religious words.  So in actuality I think the "Inspiring Quotes" should have been made lowercase rather than making "films" uppercase.  In addition did you have any other ideas for the Pearl Harbor one?  I'm just not really feeling either one of those ones.  Let me know if you have any questions, thanks.

In addition to any wreath ideas you may have, being so old, pretty much all imagery from Pearl Harbor is Public domain so there is a lot of really nice stuff available (as well as a lot of junk). 
Check out the National Archives and The US NAVY History and Heritage command.
Flicker also has a bunch or Pearl Harbor stuff.  Keep in mind the public domain images can also be modified and adapted so we can make a composition look pretty much however we want.

Fail Project

LP Version

TD Version
I wanted to take a minute and comment on this particular project. As it seems to be the source of my  great undoing.  I didn't have a direction on this aesthetically to begin with, but when asked if the picture was at all offensive - I got no response. Just text edits. So it wound up being redone and redone and redone again.  If I look at the first one, I had the elements - the box at the bottom, the newsletters. It was just needing something to play up the text versus an "inspiring picture".  I agree with the changes, and it looks much better on the second variation - but some input from the start would have been very helpful.

More Flash Notes

IT inserts the widgets into the actual website: Tom only provides the html and accompanying files.**

Made test box style div with bracket - *note Tom is not adding alligators to the divs or naming them divs he's adding brackets

Give height and width attributes: border-radius: 10 pixels | mozilla-border radius: | web kit border radius:

Everything you need to make any fancy things is already on the web
You can copy and paste and edit the code within | You can do one size | 50 10 100 0 border pixels

Define webkit and linear gradient: Background - webkit -  linear gradient 
Firefox does not support linear backgrounds by themselves

Internet Explorer is horrible
CSS3 Pie Website will make background boxes for you
maybe no more webkit ** asked Tom to save the junk file
Shadowing on the text
text shadow and box shadow | text-shadow 5px (shadow) 5px (shadow) -15px (blur) - color
Box shad (can put a box shadow)
Weight width and a height  makes the text a box..so it takes on text  attributes
 If it's just for small text do 1: First number is your horizontal offset
-- 20 vertical offset - could give something 2 different color drop shadows in the CSS

Google is your friend. Add in the CSS and rock and roll. Find the CSS on google.
alpha = transparency| rgba (set the colors and then the transparency)
Blending is very nice. Can't do any of this in email.

Set the style type and put it in the head

Can Swap the bitmap ( to add the flash style to a different symbol).

Notes on Flash

These are my notes on flash I collected through one of our sit in meetings.
Run through the whole creation of a banner ad because they are not intuitive.
Flash goes poorly with scaling > make image the size you want it > import the png - best to build in photshop and then manually one image at at time.

Use flash action script  2.0

anytime you want to use text use vector text or movie clip > option command arrow (left and right) in flash > insert a keyframe on  20 > this is our text > insert classic tween > everything in flash - button movie clip or graphic symbol

Convert to symbol..make movie clip -
text 1 > rotate text on first or last keyframe > click on the tween
fix ease in and out from the properties > custom ease

Masked text
Convert text to symbol > going to mask with an animation > made a shape tween on top make sure animation is above the layer to be revealed > right click and click "mask" >Same amount of frames

by default picture is solid object
selet it and hit command b to break it apart >take lasso and take pixels out of it >Very simple and it looks cool

script based animation
put different objects on different layers

opacity changes - 
classic tween > alpha property - 0 > Convert an image to a symbol

draw path first > after path > cut > right click > add classic motion guide> paste into layer > get anchor point> motion path
doing with keyframes is too angular > pen tool - draw path (on a separate layer) 
add classic motion guide > copy path
add classic motion guide > get center point as close to end as possible add new keyframe at the end

click tags -serving ads
as flash you need javascript to make it run screen takeovers - reaches out to grab the ad
flash needs javascript to get ads >when serving the ads needs to come from ad trafficking company 
put invisible button on there called a click tag - to track things
to do the button - go to properties - 300 x 250 . 24 fps 
alot less messy to put all animation on one keyframe
unlimited choices in flash with button selected - in action window 
add new item to script > browser network controls > get url (on release)
global functions movie control on on .......etc.. 
on release
come into the quotations get the beliefnet url
underscore blank is open up a blank new window  _blank
only flash

modify shape - add shape hint - folding shape
copy all the frames/Layer - main holder took all that animation in one keyframe by copying and pasting > Choose a new symbol > insert the button
flash up over down hit state > just want this to be hit state
invisibile draw a shape > invisible buttons are viewed as grey colors

ripples make a distortion map

Go to any flash site
psd tuts - part of a larger - envato
pixel hive design > realistic flash water effect 
picture with water
add picture
import picture
align to stage
break it apart
delete the bottom
movie clip - make it an instance ( unique)

grab the action script create a new layer 
paste in the actions window

MIPY Emails (Drafts)

Final (Was approved as is!)

Concept - Not Approved

Note: I'm pasting the mistakes so I can keep these as reference for future projects.  Turns out the error on line 77 was a missing quotation mark within the style that ended up fixing all the lines below. Will keep this as a note to pay attention to such things.

Hey Leslie,
A few errors.  On both versions, something funny happens at around line 77 of the code.  Look at the color of the img src.  Please double check openers and closers, just from a quick glance it looks like the problem is in the style part, there are double "center" alignments, and no style closer.  The a4 one has some important images without the "style display block" added.  In addition there are some alt tags that are are unnecessary.  For example there is an alt tag named "lef bottom".  That means that if the images are not loaded or if the mouse hovers over the image it will display "lef bottom" which we dont want.  Only use alt tags where they inform the user of something or has relevant information.  Let me know if you have any questions, thanks.
